Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Greensboro Downtown Greenway, LLC for Installation of Traffic Signals along the Downtown Greenway
Department: Transportation
Council District: 3
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Adam Fischer 373-2861
Contact 2 and Phone: Chris Spencer 433-7218
Authorize agreement with Downtown Greenway, LLC for City to install traffic signals on mast arms with underground wiring along the downtown greenway and approve the budget ordinance associated with this project. These actions require City Council approval.
As part of the construction of the Downtown Greenway, Greensboro Downtown Greenway, LLC (GDG) would like to upgrade traffic signals at various intersections from standard span wire to mast arm traffic signals with underground wiring. GDG will provide upfront payment for the purchase and installation of this equipment along with the related electrical work. Mast arm signals will be installed at the following intersections:
1) Smith Street at Spring Street
2) Edgeworth Street at Smith Street
3) Eugene Street at Smith Street
4) Battleground Avenue at Eugene Street
5) Eugene Street at Fisher Street
6) Fisher Street at Greene Street
The City will perform the construction of these signals and sub-contract related electrical work. Total project cost is estimated to be $186,817.
GDG will provide funding in the amount of $186,817 to cover expenses associated with this project. City staff will be used to construct the signals however no additional City funding will be required. Funding for this project will be budgeted in 220-4568-01.
The Department of Transportation recommends and requests that City Council approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and approve the associated budget ordinance.