Resolution Approving Bid in the Amount of $486,043.00 and Authorizing Execution of Contract 2018-010 with Yates Construction Company, Inc. for the Construction of the Hobbs Road Sidewalk Improvements
Department: Engineering & Inspections
Council District: 3
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Adam Fischer 373-2861
Contact 2 and Phone: Kenney McDowell 373-2302
The bids for Contract 2018-010, Hobbs Road Sidewalk Improvements, have been received. In order for the work to proceed on this contract, City Council approval is requested for award of the contract to Yates Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $486,043.00.
This work consists of all labor, equipment, and materials required for installation of 1600 SY of 4” concrete sidewalk and segmental retaining walls; along with ADA compliant concrete curb cuts and driveways.
The bids were opened on October 1, 2018 and the apparent lowest, responsible bidder is Yates Construction Company, Inc. (Stokesdale, NC) with a bid of $486,043.00.
The MWBE goals were MBE 5% and WBE 4%.
The contractor’s commitment is MBE 6.6% and WBE 4.2%.
The contractor met Good Faith Effort per the attached MWBE review memo.
Two other bids were received but did not meet Good Faith Effort (GFE).
The proposed date for start of construction is January 14, 2019. The proposed date of completion is April 14, 2019.
Funding for this contract will come from 2008 GDOT bond fund account 471-4502-15.6015 A11132. A budget adjustment will be required to move funding to the appropriate account.
It is recommended by the Departments of Engineering & Inspections and GDOT that City Council approve the bid and award Contract 2018-010, Hobbs Road Sidewalk Improvements, to Yates Construction Company, Inc. for the bid amount of $486,043.00 and approve the associated budget adjustment.