Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Two Single Stage Blowers for the T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility 56 MGD Upgrade Project
Department: Water Resources
Council District: 2
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steven Drew, 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: Don Howard, 433-7228
Water Resources requests approval to sole source the purchase of two Single Stage Blowers from Siemens Energy, Inc. located in Houston, Texas. City Council approval is required to sole source a purchase under State Public Contracting Statute GS 143-129 (e)(6). In this case, the sole source option was chosen because this was the only technology that meets the treatment plant operational performance standard, and is compatible with the existing plant process.
Siemens Energy, Inc. is a company out of Houston, Texas that has developed an innovative way to provide high volume process air needs for aeration basins and other wastewater processes. One of the benefits of single stage blowers is that the blower provides the air at a higher efficiency than a traditional multi stage blower. The proposed blowers are expected to reduce the aeration energy consumption by 15 percent compared to multi stage blowers.
Water Resources Water Reclamation Division has used multi stage blowers at T. Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) since it was placed in service in 1984. Three of the current multi stage blowers were in the original plant construction and one more multi stage blower was added during the 30 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) upgrade in 1997. Two new blowers will replace two of the multi stage blowers from the original installation providing the process air needed for the 56 MGD upgrade at T. Z. Osborne WRF. The two Single Stage Blowers will be installed as part of package 2 construction project for the 56 MGD upgrade at T. Z. Osborne WRF.
It is recommended that the single-sta...
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