Ordinance Rezoning From the R-3 (Residential Single-Family) to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District for Property Located at 1301, 1309, 1313 and 1317R1 New Garden Road, Generally Described as West of New Garden Road and North of Pinehaven Drive
Department: Planning
Council District: District 5
Public Hearing: November 18, 2014
Advertising Date/By: November 6 & 13, 2014/City Clerk
Contact 1 and Phone: Mike Kirkman 373-4649
Contact 2 and Phone: Sue Schwartz 373-2149
Barry Siegal, BSC Holding on behalf of Mary Ann K. Hoffman, Trustee and James R. & Mary S. Stanley, is requesting rezoning from the R-3 (Residential Single-Family) to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoning district for property located at 1301, 1309, 1313 and 1317R1 New Garden Road, generally described as west of New Garden Road and north of Pinehaven Drive.
As the Zoning Commission's decision was appealed, the City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider and take action on this request at its November 18, 2014 meeting.
Following a public hearing on October 13, 2014, the Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to approve this request. Four persons spoke in favor of the request and three persons spoke in opposition. (See attachment B: Minutes of the October 13, 2014 Zoning Commission meeting). Since the Zoning Commission's decision was subsequently appealed within the prescribed 10 day appeal period, this request will be heard by City Council.
The proposed rezoning request to PUD (Planned Unit Development) includes the following conditions:
1. Uses restricted to a maximum of 193 residential units.
2. Maximum building height facing New Garden Road shall not exceed three stories as viewed from New Garden Road.
3. There shall be a landscaped berm along New Garden Road with a minimum width of 15 feet and a minimum height of 4 feet, with the exception of the entrance drive.
4. There shall be only two rows of parking i...
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