Ordinance to Amend Article 8, Chapter 30-8-13.2(B) of the Land Development Ordinance as it Relates to the Entertainment Facilities Use Ordinance and to Adopt an Entertainment Facility Security Ordinance to Chapter 18 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances
Department: Executive
Council District: All
Public Hearing: Yes
Advertising Date/By: November 20, 2014
Contact 1 and Phone: Tom Carruthers, City Attorney, 373-2320
Contact 2 and Phone: Sue Schwartz, Director of Planning, 373-2149
To hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed amendment of the Entertainment Facilities Use Ordinance in Article 8, Chapter 30 of the Land Development Ordinance and to adopt an Entertainment Facility Security Ordinance to Chapter 18 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances.
On November 18, 2014, City Council considered a motion to amend portions of the Entertainment Facilities Use Ordinance to require Night Clubs to maintain minimum levels of security. Council will consider an amendment of the Entertainment Facilities Use Ordinance in Article 8, Chapter 30 of the Land Development Ordinance to delete Night Clubs and Dance Clubs and to adopt an Entertainment Facility Security Ordinance to Chapter 18 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances. The Chapter 18 ordinance will mandate security regulations for Night Clubs, Dance Clubs, and After-Hours Clubs. The security regulations will include requirements for training, certification, and procedures for security staff as well as requirements to hire two off duty law enforcement officers or two certified armed security guards at Night Clubs, Dance Calls, and After-Hours Clubs. The ordinance contains exemptions for businesses that have not experienced security issues over the past three years.
It is recommended that City Council hold a public hearing to discuss these proposed amendments.