Resolution Authorizing 2014-15 PTRC Senior Center General Purpose Grant Application
Department: Parks & Recreation
Council District: All
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Wade Walcutt, interim Parks & Recreation Director
Contact 2 and Phone: Phil Fleischmann, Community Recreation Services Manager
The City Grants Policy requires Council approval on all grant applications requiring a local match. The Parks and Recreation Department applied for a grant on September 30, 2014 that involves a 25% local match of $1,298 which was included in the $5,191 total project budget for the application. Due to a tight timeframe for the grant application, the department is requesting post approval of the application in accordance with City policy. The grant funds will be used for Greater Greensboro Senior Games and Silver Arts registration forms and billboard advertising for activities at the Smith Senior Center.
The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department Seniors Division has received Federal grant funding from the State through Piedmont Triad Regional Council of Government Agency of Aging Adults for the past thirteen (13) years. These funds are made available through the Federal Older American's Act (OAA) and State of North Carolina to assist with services for the elderly and to support, develop programming and general operations, or construct, renovate or maintain senior facilities. This grant will be used to fund Greater Greensboro Senior Games and Silver Arts registration forms, advertising, and marketing materials with the intent of expanding the program's registrant base.
The grant will fund $3,893 with a 25% required match of $1,298 for a total project budget of $5,191.
The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department requests City Council's consideration to approve the application for a $5,191 grant project total to...
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