Resolution Authorizing the Creation of an Umbrella Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank ("Mitigation Bank") for the City of Greensboro
Department: Water Resources
Council District: 1,2,3,4,5
Public Hearing: No
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steve Drew, 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: David Phlegar, 373-2707
To create an umbrella stream and wetland mitigation bank for the City of Greensboro to be used for future City projects that may impact or destroy streams or wetlands in the area. The mitigation bank allows the City of Greensboro to accumulate credits based upon proactive projects that functionally improve stream quality. These credits may be used on future City projects that encroach upon surrounding streams or wetlands. These readily available credits will allow the City of Greensboro to save money, gain permitting efficiency and run less risk of violating Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") regulations on future City projects.
Preparation of the umbrella stream and wetland mitigation bank began in 2006 with the goal of making future City projects more cost efficient. The purpose of the bank is to allow the City of Greensboro to mitigate for various City projects that encroach upon local streams or wetlands, while remaining compliant with EPA regulations in a cost effective manner. Government entities were disallowed from creating mitigation banks by the North Carolina Legislature in 2012, but the City of Greensboro mitigation bank is grandfathered and allowed due to its initiation in 2006. The first step of the project was the designation of 30 sites to be included in the bank. The EPA was then contacted and gave approval of these designated sites. A declaration of restrictions will be placed on these sites to ensure their compliance with EPA standards. Compliance with EPA standards is of no additional cost to the City of Greensboro, as the City was already in complianc...
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