Resolution Approving the Bid in the Amount of $13,292,638.73 and Authorizing Contract 2010-126 with Vecellio & Grogan, Inc., for the Construction of the High Point Road/Lee Street Streetscape - Phase 1
Department: Engineering and Inspections
Council District: 1,4
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Adam Fischer 433-7218
Contact 2 and Phone: Ted Partrick 373-2308
Bids have been received for the construction of the High Point Road/W. Lee Street Streetscape - Phase I (Contract 2010-126). City Council approval of an award of a contract to Vecellio & Grogan, Inc., in the amount of $13,292,638.73 is requested.
This work consists of improving the visual appeal, enhancing pedestrian, bicycle and transit mobility and safety while preserving the existing capacity for the motorist. This project extends from Pinecroft Road to Coliseum Boulevard. The anticipated date for start of construction is in January 2015, with an anticipated completion date in August 2016.
The project also includes improvements to the water and sewer utilities and the resurfacing of the NCDOT road. The Water Resources Department is funding the improvement of their underground utilities. The NCDOT has agreed to reimburse the City for the cost of resurfacing High Point Road. The road is on the NCDOT's list for maintenance, which would include resurfacing. The agreement will allow for reimbursement of 100% of the cost up to $1,250,000. Final approval of the agreement is pending verification of the bid amount for the resurfacing and award to the contractor.
The bids were opened on October 30, 2014 and the apparent lowest, responsible bidder was the Sharpe Brothers Division of Vecellio & Grogan, Inc. (Greensboro, NC) with a bid of $13,292,638.73. This amount includes $3,163,562.47 for utilities and $1,036,089.25 for resurfacing. The contractor met the participation goal by including 5% MBE and 6% WBE. The goal...
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