Resolution authorizing purchase of property of David Nolan Fuller for the Horse Pen Creek Road Widening Project
Department: Engineering & Inspections
Council District: 4
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Ted Partrick 373-2302
Contact 2 and Phone: Adam Fischer 373-2861
The Property Management Section of the Engineering & Inspections Department is in the process of acquiring right of way and easements for the Horse Pen Creek Road Widening Project. City Council approval is requested for the acquisition of this vacant property.
The Transportation Department has approved widening of Horse Pen Creek Road with construction beginning in 2016. The City Council authorized this roadway improvement project at a public meeting on March 15, 2011.
The widening of Horse Pen Creek Road will accommodate projected future traffic volumes caused by anticipated growth along the corridor and in northwest Greensboro. Congested conditions occur during peak travel periods and the current traffic volume greatly exceeds the capacity of the existing roadway. The proposed project will relieve congestion on Battleground Avenue, improve safety throughout the corridor, and provide enhanced pedestrian and bicycle mobility. The roadway will be widened from two lanes to four lanes with curb and gutter, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and a raised landscaped median.
The subject property is parcel #0096110, located at 2804 Horse Pen Creek Road and is owned by David Nolan Fuller. Approval is requested for this acquisition of the property in its entirety, which was appraised by Jeffrey McKee of Colvin, Sutton, Winters & Associates, LLC and valued at a total of $21,500. After negotiations with the owner and discussion of condemnation costs with the Legal Department, Property Management recommends a purchase amount equal to the Guilford County tax value of $28,000.
The property is zoned R-3, Residential Single Family, and is within the General Watershed Area Overlay. The total taking includes 15,412 SF (0.354 acres) of vacant land.
Funding from 2008 Transportation Bond funds in the amount of $28,000 is available in account 471-4502-08.6012 A14074 for the acquisition of this property
The Property Management Section of the Engineering & Inspections Department recommends approval of the acquisition.