Resolution Approving a Contract in the Amount of $250,000 with Hydrostructures, P.A. for Cleaning and Video Inspection of Gravity Sewer Lines
Department: Water Resources
Council District: All
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steven Drew, 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: Kristine Williams, 373-2656
The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department is requesting to enter into a professional services contract with Hydrostructures, P.A. to provide cleaning and video inspection for sewer collection systems. City Council approval of a contract in the amount of $250,000 is requested.
On September 10, 2018, the Water Resources Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for cleaning and video inspection of gravity sewer lines. Two firms submitted proposals by the October 1, 2018 deadline. The firms who submitted a proposal were Hydrostructures, P.A. and Precision Measurements, Inc. (PMI Inc.) A selection committee comprised of internal and external representatives evaluated and scored the proposals submitted by each firm. The committee evaluated the submissions based on transmittal letter, description/understanding of the scope of services, experience and capabilities of key personnel, firm experience, equipment, schedule, current projects, cost of services and proposed M/WBE participation. Both firms that submitted proposals were selected which provides the department flexibility and timely assessments for next year’s sewer rehabilitation contract. The sewer rehabilitation program is important in continuing to improve and renew the City’s aging infrastructure. In addition, this contract will provide information that will help sewer evaluation services and support work needed for the street resurfacing program.
The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department coordinates cleaning, CCTV inspection and sonar. The city anticipates a need to clean and inspect approximately 65,000 linear feet of sewer that range in sizes from 6-inch to 24-inch. It is anticipated that 24,000 linear feet of sewer sizes 30-inch to 48-inch will need to be cleaned and/or inspected. The services of Hydrostructures, P.A. will be utilized to inspect large diameter sewer with CCTV and sonar. The services team will include Hydrostructures, P.A., CriTek Engineering Group, and KRG Utility, Inc. CriTek Engineering Group is a local MBE and their utilization is 5% of the contract amount.
Funding is budgeted in Water Resources Capital Fund account 503-7028-02.5615 in the amount of $250,000. A budget adjustment is needed to use this account.
The Water Resources Department recommends approval and award of the Cleaning and Video Inspection of Gravity Sewer Lines services with Hydrostructures, P.A. for $250,000 and the associated budget adjustment.