Resolution Approving Contract in the Amount of $465,000 with ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina Inc. for Sewer Flow Monitoring in Support of the Sewer Model Recalibration Project.
Department: Water Resources
Council District: All
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steven Drew - 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: Mike Borchers -373-2494
Water Resources is requesting approval of a contract with ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina Inc., to provide collection system flow monitoring services necessary for recalibrating the City's sewer flow model which will occur in Fiscal Year 2016. City Council approval of the professional services contract with ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. in the amount of $465,000 is requested.
Sewer flow monitoring is a critical component of a properly calibrated sewer model. ARCADIS in conjunction with Departmental staff reviewed the existing sewer system basins, system geometry, and operation considerations to determine the most effective placement of the flow monitors in order to obtain the required flow data. This review determined that 58 flow monitors and 7 rain gauges coupled with operational data from 15 existing pump stations and rainfall data from various USGS gauges would provide sufficient data to adequately recalibrate the sewer model.
Arcadis is one of ten firms selected as part of a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) solicitation in September of 2013 to provide on-call professional services for Water Resources Department. The sewer flow model is used by the Department to verify system capacity, evaluate land development scenarios, and identify potential choke points within the City's sewer collection system. Arcadis was involved in the initial efforts to develop and calibrate the sewer flow model currently used by the Department. More recently they have been relied on to assist with complex modeling scenarios as well as support model maintenance activities.
The anticipated date for the deployment of flow monitors is January of 2015 with an anticipated completion of field collection activities by May of 2015.
Funding in the amount of $465,000 is budgeted in the following Water Resources Operating Fund account: 501-7081-01.5413.
The Water Resources Departments recommends approval of the flow monitoring contract with ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. in the amount of $465,000.