Resolution Approving a Contract in the Amount of $197,437.60 with Hilco Transport, Inc. for Residual Dewatered Sludge Hauling Services from the T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility
Department: Water Resources
Council District: 2
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steven Drew, 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: Mike Borchers, 373-2494
Hilco Transport, Inc. is being requested to provide hauling services to remove residual dewatered sludge contents from the T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation facility for the Water Resources Department. City Council approval and ratification of an emergency contract with Hilco Transport, Inc. in the amount of $197,437.60 is requested.
Water Resources experienced an operational issue that took both sludge incinerators down for an extended period of time, which necessitated emergency dewatered sludge hauling services from the T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation facility. In accordance with City Code of Ordinances, Section 2-90, the City manager may contract for amounts in excess of his approval authority in the event of an emergency, with notification and ratification by City Council. The contract called for the removal of residual dewatered sludge, which is a byproduct of the wastewater treatment process. The hauling service ensured that the plant maintained efficient operations and stayed in compliance until one incinerator could be placed back into service.
Hilco Transport, Inc. was chosen because they were the only responsive bidder to the City’s 2017 Request for Proposals for a sludge hauling contract. Emergency contracts such as this one that the City Manager determines are necessary for the preservation of public health or safety are excluded from participation in the MWBE Plan; however, the MWBE memo is attached from the 2017 contract process for reference. Hilco has provided residuals hauling services for the facility since 2001 and has provided outstanding services during that time.
Funding in the amount of $197,437.60 for this contract is budgeted in Water Resources Operating Fund account 501-7056-01.5437.
The Water Resources Department recommends approval and ratification of the contract with Hilco Transport, Inc. in the amount of $197,437.60.