Resolution Authorizing Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Greensboro and Guilford County for the Joint Ownership of Bryan Park North at Guilford County
Department: Parks and Recreation
Council District: 2
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Nasha McCray, 336-433-7360
Contact 2 and Phone: Chris Wilson, 336-373-3815
To authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Greensboro and Guilford County for acceptance of joint property ownership of Bryan Park North, located southeast of intersection of NC Hwy 150 and Doggett Road. If approved, the deed for the property will also be updated, along with development planning for the property.
The City of Greensboro has a long and rich history of collaborating with Guilford County on initiatives related to park and trail development, conservation, and open space preservation. In 1999, 534.43 acres of land was given to the City of Greensboro and Guilford County by the Joseph M. Bryan Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc. for the purposes of developing a park and open space, with the desire of both entities to share equally in all capital and operating expenses (see Attachment A). On January 1, 1999, the City and Guilford County entered into an agreement for joint land ownership of the subject property, with each party having an undivided one-half interest in tracts acquired. On August 5, 2008, the City, at the request of Guilford County, deeded its ownership and interest in the property back to Guilford County in order to continue development efforts on the site.
Since that time, the City and Guilford County have resumed its collaborative partnership and desire to jointly own and develop the property in accordance with the Bryan Park North at Guilford County Master Plan. In 2016, voters approved a bond referendum to provide funding for continued development of the site as a park, supporting an intergovernmental partnership for Bryan Park North. Entering into an interlocal agreement to reestablish a joint property ownership arrangement, by which both the City and Guilford County will respectively have 50% interest, will ensure continued partnership and collaboration for future investment and development of Bryan Park North for the purposes of a park. Joint ownership of Bryan Park between the City and Guilford County will also promote and enhance economic development, quality of life, and recreational opportunities in the region, as well as, increase access to parkland and greenspace within the City. Given the adjacency to Bryan Park, which is currently owned by the City, joint ownership and collaborative devlopment planning for Bryan Park North will present an opportunity to provide over 1,000 acres dedicated to competitive sports tournaments, events and recreation. Pursuant N.C. General Statute, 160A-461 et seq., City Council approval is required in order for an agreement between local government entities to be executed.
There is no budget impact to authorize and execute the interlocal agreement between the City and Guilford County. Future development planning costs for Bryan Park North project have not been determined; however, the City currently has allocated funding in Account No. 482-5001-05.6019 to support future Bryan Park North development.
It is recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department that the City Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an appropriate Interlocal Agreement between the City of Greensboro and Guilford County for acceptance of joint property ownership of Bryan Park North, and that the Mayor is authorized to execute any necessary deeds, easements, or other closing documents to effectuate joint ownership and development of property.