Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Contract in the Amount of $1,296,000 with J & J Underground Utilities, LLC for Underground Utility Location Services
Department: Water Resources
Council District: All
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Steven D. Drew, 373-7893
Contact 2 and Phone: Michael Borchers, 373-2494
The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department wishes to enter into a three-year contract with J & J Underground Utilities, LLC to provide underground utility locating services to support the City in complying with the North Carolina General Statue; Article 8A “Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act.”
In September 2014, the City of Greensboro was required by the North Carolina General Statue; Article 8A “Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act” to become a member of NC811. Membership in NC811 requires the City to receive and process all locate requests received by NC811 that are within 10 feet of our infrastructure.
The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department maintains over 1,509 miles of water mains and 1,503 miles of sewer mains, serving approximately 105,781 homes and businesses. In order for the City to comply with the Underground Damage Prevention Act, professional underground locating services are needed to accommodate the increased volume of locates received through the NC811 service.
In August of 2018 a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued in order to identify companies that have successfully performed underground utility locating services for water and wastewater infrastructure. On September 27, 2018, two proposals were received and both respondents proposed to self-perform the requested locating services. The M/WBE Office was involved in the review of the submitted proposals and completed a good faith review. The M/WBE Office confirmed it is the practice of the selected firm to self-perform the requested locating services.
Funding for this three-year contract in the amount of $1,296,000 will be budgeted in the Water Resources Operating Fund account 501-7071-01.5419. The amount for each fiscal year is as follows: $432,000 in FY18-19, $432,000 in FY19-20, and $432,000 in FY20-21, provided that sufficient appropriations are approved by City Council in succeeding fiscal years.
It is recommended by the Water Resources Department that City Council approve the three-year contract with J & J Underground Utilities, LLC for maintenance of underground utility locating services in the amount of $1,296,000.