Ordinance Amending the General Fund Budget for the Appropriation of Disaster Recovery Funds for Expenses Related to the March 6th, 2014 Winter Storm Response and Cleanup
Department: Budget and Evaluation
Council District: All
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Larry Davis, 373-2291
Contact 2 and Phone: Jon Decker, 373-4181
The purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate funds for winter storm related response and recovery expenses for the event beginning March 6th, 2014. Expenditures related to the event are initially estimated as $1,204,071. A budget ordinance needs to be approved by City Council to move the funds into the appropriate account.
Funds will be used to reimburse the City departments for expenditures related to debris removal, emergency protective measures, repair and replacement of damaged equipment and facilities, and additional emergency response. City response to the winter storm is initially estimated at $1,204, 071. Departmental expense estimates at this time include approximately 8,000 tons of vegetative debris removal, at least 780 hours of emergency generator use, approximately 2,600 additional personnel hours, and at least 2,100 additional equipment hours. Detailed cost estimates by department are attached.
Staff met with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on March 18th to begin the process to seek Public Assistance Grant funds to reimburse costs related to the storm including debris removal, damages property replacement, emergency protective measures, and other costs. FEMA officials have begun the Preliminary Damage Assessment stage, the initial phase to requesting federal aid. City staff will work closely with emergency management officials from Guilford County, North Carolina, and FEMA through the remainder of the process to seek reimbursement for eligible costs over the next several weeks.
The attached ordinance appropriates additional revenue for reimbursement grant funds totaling $1,204,071 to account 101-9550-99, and authorizes the expenditure of funds necessary to cover various expenses related to winter storm response and recovery.
It is requested and recommended that the City Council adopt the attached budget ordinance amending the General Fund budget for the appropriation disaster recovery funds in the amount of $1,204,071 for winter storm related expenses during the event on March 6th, 2014.