Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Dedication of Twenty-four Drainageway and Open Space Parcels from Reedy Fork East, LLC, Reedy Fork Limited Partnership, Evangel Word Ministries, Inc., Bentsen-Minor Holdings, LLC, Woodberry, LLC, Weaver Investment Company, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Linder Ventures III, LLC, M&F Properties/WTA Holdings, LLC and Highwood Forsyth Limited Partnership
Department: Parks and Recreation
Council District: 2, 3, 4 and 5
Public Hearing: N/A
Advertising Date/By: N/A
Contact 1 and Phone: Nasha McCray, 433-7360
Contact 2 and Phone: Shawna Tillery, 373-7808
Twenty-four floodplain, drainageway, and open space parcels were dedicated on recorded plats but not formally accepted by or deeded to the City. City Council acceptance of the parcels is requested.
Dedication of drainageway and open space areas is a requirement of the City's subdivision regulations in the Land Development Ordinance. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 160A-374, the approval of a plat does not constitute the acceptance by a city or the public of the dedication of any street or other ground or public facility shown on the plat; however, a city council may by resolution accept the dedication made to the public of lands or facilities for streets, parks, public utility lines, or other public purposes. All dedications of drainageway and open space are evaluated by a multi-departmental team of city staff and then presented to the City's Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Department is in the process of accepting twenty-four designated floodplain, drainageway and open space parcels as described on the approved and recorded subdivision plats listed below:
• Parcel #0090637 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for The Villages of Reedy Fork Sycamore Glen aka Phase 2 Village 2B - Section 2 in Plat Book 169 Page 49 recorded on April 12, 2007. This parcel, also known as 6001 Rear Trailshead Drive, is approximately 8.7 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0083998 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for Map 1 of 2 “Willow Creek” at Reedy Fork Ranch in Plat Book 147 Page 63 recorded on August 15, 2002. This parcel, also known as 6001 Near Black Willow, is approximately 18.45 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090530 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for The Towns at South Village - Section One in Plat Book 161 Page 17 recorded on August 18, 2005. This parcel, also known as 4322 Reedy Fork Parkway, is approximately 3.82 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0084332 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for “Elderbrush Way” at Reedy Fork Ranch in Plat Book 147 Page 65 recorded on August 15, 2002. This parcel, also known as 4211 Pepperbush Drive, is approximately 7.22 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090634 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat of South Village Place aka The Towns at South Village - Section Two in Plat Book 164 Page 90 recorded on May 8, 2006. This parcel, also known as 4429 Reedy Fork Parkway, is approximately 2.39 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090632 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and public for drainage way and open space on the Final Plat of The Villages of Reedy Fork Sycamore Glen aka Phase 2 Village 2 - Section 1 in Plat Book 166 Page 28 recorded on July 26, 2006. This parcel, also known as 4428 Reedy Fork Parkway, is approximately 3.91 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0083997 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for Map 2 of 2 “Willow Creek” at Reedy Fork Ranch aka Village 2 - Phase 1 The Villages of Reedy Fork in Plat Book 147 Page 64 recorded on August 15, 2002. This parcel, also known as 6214 YY Black Willow Drive, is approximately 0.73 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090537 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for The Village of Reedy Fork - Phase 1 Recreation Center in Plat Book 149 Page 86 recorded on February 14, 2003. This parcel, also known as 4310 YY Reedy Fork Parkway, is approximately 8.21 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090534 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for “Arrowwood” at Reedy Fork Ranch aka Village 5 - Phase 1 The Villages of Reedy Fork in Plat Book 147 Page 67 recorded on August 15, 2002. This parcel, also known as 17 Open Bluestem Court, is approximately 3.79 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090905 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and public as drainage way and open space on the Plat of The Villages of Reedy Fork Oakgate Subdivision aka Phase 4 Section 3B1 in Plat Book 172 Page 1 recorded on October 19, 2007. This parcel, also known as 5500 Near Oakgate Drive, is approximately 0.37 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0084237 was dedicated by Reedy Fork Limited Partnership to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat Sheet 2 of 2 Reedy Fork Ranch Arrowwood - Phase 2 in Plat Book 154 Page 117 recorded on May 20, 2004. This parcel, also known as 3944 A Bluestem Drive, is approximately 0.834 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090876 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and public as drainage way and open space on the Plat of The Villages of Reedy Fork Hardie Farm Place aka - Phase 4 Section 3A1 in Plat Book 171 Page 150 recorded on October 19, 2007. This parcel, also known as 5500 Rear Hardie Farm Drive, is approximately 4.22 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090533 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for “Boxelder Landing” at Reedy Fork Ranch aka Village 4 - Phase 1 The Villages of Reedy Fork in Plat Book 147 Page 66 recorded on August 5, 2002. This parcel, also known as 4301 Pepperbush Drive, is approximately 21.17 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0090606 was dedicated by Reedy Fork East, LLC to the City of Greensboro and public for drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for The Villages of Reedy Fork Sycamore Glen aka Phase 2 - Village 1 in Plat Book 161 Page 6 recorded on August 12, 2005. This parcel, also known as 4317 Reedy Fork Parkway, is approximately 8.63 acres, zoned Planned Unit Development, and is located in Council District 2 ;
• Parcel #0079177 was dedicated by Evangel Word Ministries Inc. to the City of Greensboro and public as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for Evangel Word Ministries Inc. in Plat Book 160 Page 4 recorded on May 27, 2005. This parcel, also known as 2210 YY E. Cone Boulevard, is approximately 6.74 acres, zoned R-3, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0082358 was dedicated by Westminster Homes, Inc. to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat Phase 2-B Saddle Creek aka Brassfield in Plat Book 122 Page 38 recorded on October 11, 1996. This parcel, also known as 3701 YY Terrault Drive, is approximately 3.14 acres, zoned R-3, and is located in Council District 4;
• Parcel #0073474 was dedicated by Bentsen-Minor Holdings LLC to the City of Greensboro and the public as drainage way and open space on the Condominium Plat & Easement Dedication at Brassfield Professional Center in Condominium Plat Book 7 Page 92 recorded on December 14, 2001. This parcel, also known as 2006 YY New Garden Road, is approximately 1.18 acres, zoned CD-O, and is located in Council District 4;
• Parcel #0085660 was dedicated by Woodberry LLC to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Phase 1 Final Plat of Woodberry Park in Plat Book 129 Page 47 recorded on July 14, 1998. This parcel, also known as 5816 Wildrose Drive, is approximately 1.27 acres, zoned CD-R-3, and is located in Council District 3;
• Parcel #0082192 was dedicated by Weaver Investment Company to the public, City of Greensboro and Guilford County as drainage way, open space, and utility easement on the Final Plat Camden Falls Phase II in Plat Book 116 Page 122 recorded on June 23, 1995. This parcel, also known as 3625 YY Camden Falls Circle, is approximately 1.73 acres, zoned R-3, and is located in Council District 4;
• Parcel #0055992 was dedicated by Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat for Property of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in Plat Book 114 Page 111 recorded on December 19, 1994. This parcel, also known as 2400 YY Sixteenth Street, is approximately 1.7 acres, zoned LI, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0056004 was dedicated by Linder Ventures III, LLC to the City of Greensboro by Deed of Dedication recorded in Book 6027 Page 2225 on February 4, 2004. This parcel, also known as 2206 Sixteenth Street, is approximately 3.895 acres, zoned LI, and is located in Council District 2;
• Parcel #0098259 was dedicated by M & F Properties to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat of M & F Properties in Plat Book 144 Page 106 recorded on January 8, 2002, and re-dedicated by WTA Holdings, LLC to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the IMUD Final Plat Sheet 1 of 1 498 and 500 Gallimore Dairy Road in Plat Book 193 Page 34 recorded on December 8, 2016. This parcel, also known as 498 Rear Gallimore Dairy Road, is approximately 1.55 acres, zoned CD-HI, and is located in Council District 5;
• Parcel #0098254 was dedicated by Highwoods Forsyth Limited Partnership to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Right-of-Way and Open Space Dedication Survey for Highwoods Forsyth Limited Partnership Airpark South in Plat Book 128 Page 94 recorded on May 7, 1998. This parcel, also known as 430 Rear Gallimore Dairy Road, is approximately 6.6 acres, zoned LI, and is located in Council District 5;
• Parcel #0098260 was dedicated by M & F Properties to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the Final Plat of M & F Properties in Plat Book 144 Page 106 recorded on January 8, 2002, and re-dedicated by WTA Holdings, LLC to the City of Greensboro as drainage way and open space on the IMUD Final Plat Sheet 1 of 1 498 and 500 Gallimore Dairy Road in Plat Book 193 Page 34 recorded on December 8, 2016. This parcel, also known as 600 Rear Gallimore Dairy Road, is approximately 2.63 acres, zoned CD-LI, and is located in Council District 5.
Funding in the amount of $648.00 for the Guilford County Register of Deeds recording fees are budgeted in the Parks and Recreation Department Account #101-5029-01.5288. Funding for the minimal maintenance of the drainage way and open space area is currently budgeted in the Field Operations Right-of Way maintenance budget.
The Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Commission recommend that City Council adopt the resolution to formally accept the dedication of twenty-four floodplain drainageway and open space parcels known as Parcel #0090637, Parcel #0083998, Parcel #0090530, Parcel #0084332 Parcel #0090634, Parcel #0090632, Parcel #0083997, Parcel #0090537, Parcel #0090534, Parcel #0090905, Parcel #0090876, Parcel #0090533, Parcel #0090606 from Reddy Fork East, LLC; Parcel #0084237 from Reedy Fork Limited Partnership
Parcel #0079177 from Evangel Word Ministries, Parcel #0089095 from Westminster Homes, Inc., Parcel #0073474 from Bentsen-Minor Holdings, LLC, Parcel #0085660 from Woodberry, LLC, Parcel #0082192 from Weaver Investment Company; Parcel #005992 from Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company; Parcel #0056004 from Linder Venture II, LLC; Parcel #0098259 from M&F Properties; Parcel #0098254 from Highwoods Forsyth Limited Partnership; and Parcel #0098260 from M&F Properties.